Friday, October 17, 2008

Music ; chucks a rage

To some, music is just a bunch of organized sounds to create a montage of sounds. To some, it means the world. i used to be one of those people. Music was my life and my soul, and i decided to throw it all away over one silly comment. I know that they say " yourself is your worst critic". i truley do believe that, but when family tells you. you cant help but take it in.

I know it sounds silly but, feelings were hurt, and dreams were crushed. A little family discussion turned into a " no-hoper" . I just sat down as my usual routine, jumped on the net and my grandmother walks in, give me a little talk. " are you really in the singing competition?", as proud as i was, i nodded my head. she looked at me in dismay and said "oh i dont think you should." confused i look at her and replied " why?". she looks at me hesitantly and says " oh i think you might get embarrased, your not really that good! if only you would learn." the sweet smile on my face, turned upside down. As she got up to leave, i told her to shut the door. I couldnt help but to burst into tears. the one thing i wanted to do in life, a comment tore me apart.

its all i could ever dream about or see myself doing. i'll always love music, but i dont know if i can sing again.

should i turn on my dream? or forget those words and keep going?

" dreams can be crushed with one word; Bad "

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