Thursday, September 25, 2008

Term 3; last day.

last day of school for the term, full of tears and sadness. well, i wouldnt actually know, i didnt even go. i doubt there was crying. although there might of been some crying from the O-A people. ( over- acting ) sort of people, who cant live without seeing their " BFFL" for 2 weeks. " its totally like, suicide". so for today i spent my day lying in my bed, watching mean girls and sharktale. how sad am i. extremely you say? you wernt really meant to answer, but heck who cares.

i spent the whole day literally writing music for my band, much rather than the movie thing. i got halfway through a song that i am currently writing called " love, lies and liberty". im hoping for it to be a triple threat featurette.

so its term 4. term 4 is always the hardest, people leave and its the exam period. studying is essential. but my intelligence is limited, im not that smart anyway, so heck.

closing the passage with;

" i wish i went to school, cause time just goes slower at home"

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